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Vishal Joshi - A Multi-faceted Personality

Being the best deed of God man is a social animal. He cannot live alone. Society provides all comforts and necessities of life to man. Man has an obligation towards the society. Aristotle once said, “The purpose of man is not only to live life but to live a good life.” We want to live good life in a peaceful society. We have certain duties and responsibilities towards our fellow-citizens. The service which is voluntarily rendered to the society and without self-interest is known as ‘social service’. This life is the best bounty of God to man, but some people leads this with a set purpose while some other people merely drudge it worth no more.

The aforesaid stuff is aptly applicable to a multi versatile man of society - Vishal Joshi (VJ Sir), the Director of the Nucleus Education and the President of JCI-Kota Kings. He has been one of the best faculties in Chemistry among the students. He has made this typical and mundane subject so easy and interesting to his students that they have started deriving pleasure while studying it. This is the reason why his students have been proved benchmarks in various competitive exams and brought laurels. Besides being a successful educator he is an ideal social activist too. He has left no stone unturned in inspiring his throngs of students to move to the service of this society which has given a lot to mankind. VJ Sir says, “Students should go to the villages and serve the villagers during vacation. Villagers are illiterate, innocent and ignorant about their rights and responsibilities. Students can provide help to these people. They can also help people when there are earthquakes, famines, epidemics or pandemic. Students should not waste their free time in watching movies or leading a dull life. They should do some kind of social service.” He has involved himself in religious makeovers as well, i.e. basic renovation of temples, Food Houses where food is provided to the desolates and deplorable people. He got thousands of Food packets distributed through his NGO JCI- Kota Kings during this fatal pandemic. He has distributed attires to the needy, made vast arrangements of free pilgrimage of Char Dham to hundreds of old people of his community. He has taken over the parental responsibility of the garden of Bhamashah Mandi, Kota. The itinerary of his social welfare doesn’t end here. He has donated hundreds of PPE Kits, Sanitizing Machines and thousands of Masks to various hospitals through the NGO of his wife during this pandemic. His wife Namrata Joshi also devoted her life to the service of the needy and destitutes. She has also walked shoulder to shoulder with her husband for the sake of innumerable people.

It won’t be a hyperbole if said, “This couple has forsooth proved their lives worth living in true sense.”

Mr. & Mrs. Joshi say, “Your life is your message to the world, Make sure it's inspiring. You may have to fight the battle of life more than once to win it.” For VJ Sir “Life is a journey and only man has to hold the map.”